Overriding component styles

With the new v0.10.0 you can now override the component styles of Chakra UI Vue components using the extendTheme.baseStyles property in the Chakra UI plugin options.

This will cause all corresponding components to inherir the defined styles. These styles, however, can be overriden by explicitly defining styled props on the component in your template.


Here are some examples of how the baseStyles API can be used.

Defining baseStyles for component#

Vue.use(Chakra, {
  extendTheme: {
    // ... other options
    baseStyles: {
       * Applies the styles to all the `CButton`
       * components.
      CButton: {
        borderWidth: "4px",
        borderColor: "blue.600",
        borderRadius: "lg"

Defining baseStyles as function#

Vue.use(Chakra, {
  extendTheme: {
    // ... other options
    baseStyles: {
       * Use a function to compute desired styles
      CButton: ({ colorMode, theme }) => ({
        bg: colorMode === 'light' ? 'tomato' : 'hotpink',
        borderRadius: theme.sizes[4]

With the mode function#

@chakra-ui/vue@^0.10.0 also exports a mode function that accepts two arguments for the 'light' and 'dark' mode respectively. When the current color mode is 'light', it returns the first argument. If the color mode is 'dark', it returns the second argument.

import Vue from 'vue'
import Chakra, { mode } from '@chakra-ui/vue'

Vue.use(Chakra, {
  extendTheme: {
    baseStyles: {
      CIconButton: () => ({
         * When the color mode is `light`, `mode` returns `'blackAlpha.700'`.
         * Otherwise it returns `'whiteAlpha.400'`.
        color: mode('blackAlpha.700', 'whiteAlpha.400')

You can also use it in your templates with the $mode global computed property.

Editable Example
    :bg="[$mode('orange.600', 'yellow.100'), $mode('pink.600', 'green.100')]"
    :color="$mode('white', 'blackAlpha.800')"
    Box "{{ chakraColorMode }}" mode. Click me to toggle color mode.

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